
As we start to get back to normal following the pandemic, we will be adding more classes and activities to our timetable, so please keep checking back, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Puppy life skills package

Congratulations on your new puppy and new member of your family.  We understand that you want to make sure you get the first most informative months right. For those people who want intensive, consistent support, we have developed the Puppy Life Skills training package.  

There are 3 options to choose from, each provide bespoke, dedicated 1-2-1 training at your home. We will cover all the essentials your new puppy needs to know to get along in life, and be a joy to have around.

This is an important and valuable time in your puppy’s development and can help set you up for a great future with your new best friend.

Essentials option: 1x 1 hour session, for 6 weeks

Classic option: 1x 1 hour session, for 9 weeks

Premium option: 1x 1 hour session, for 12 weeks

Puppy classes

Your puppy’s now settled in at home and you know you need to start putting the fundamentals in place, well, puppy classes are for you.  

Small, group classes with no more than 6 puppies per class, suitable for puppies upto 20 weeks (5 months).  Classes will of course focus on the foundation skills your puppy needs, but will also include the essential life skills to help them to develop into a well rounded companion, we also include a few fun activities too.

Duration: 6 weeks, 1 hour sessions + virtual intro session

Please note, we currently have no classes planned, but if you are interested in puppy classes, do get in contact, if we have enough interest we can add to the timetable quickly.

private, bespoke 1-2-1 training

Regardless of your dogs age or ability, bespoke 1-2-1 training will allow you to focus on any specific area you wish.  We build our approach and sessions around you, your dog, and the results that you are looking to achieve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to train my dog?

This will depend on the issue you have, your dog, the rate at which they learn, how capable you are of grasping the exercises and ultimately how much time you spend practicing outside of our sessions.

Unfortunately there are no magic potions or silver bullets that will resolve things over night (sometimes there are simple solutions) but we will be honest with you about the time we think it will take to resolve.

why do you use food to train?

Firstly, most dogs are motivated by food. Secondly, its a great way of creating positive associations. Thirdly, its a great barometer for your dogs level of focus.

Saying that, sometimes food isn’t the most motivating thing for some dogs, so we do also use a variety of other items (toys, play, praise and affection), but really it comes down to the individual dog and what they enjoy and what motivates them.

Am I stuck with carrying food for the rest of my dogs life?

Very simply no. Part of the process we go through when training is starting to remove the food and creating new habits that mean the new behaviour is their new norm.

Saying that, if you want to continue treating your dog for the rest of his life, I’m sure they won’t be disappointed!

where will the training sessions be held?

We can and do train in a variety of places and depending on what we are looking to train will depend on where we go. This may mean that we start at home and then progress to other areas like the local park, high street or car park.

For any classes we run, we will publicise the location in the literature we email to you and also on our website once we start running classes.

How do I book a session with you?

Just send us a message via the Contact Us page. We will get in touch with you, have a chat about what it is you are looking to achieve and then agree the best way forward.

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